VOKALISK & ConcertoValiante in Concert

February 8, 2025, starting at 8:00 PM, Maria van Eik en Duinen, Loosduinse Hoofdstraat 4-6 The Hague

February 9, 2025, starting at 4:00 PM, Cultuurhuis De Paulus, Warmonderweg 2 Oegstgeest

Psam 112 Laudate Pueri Dominum by Handel is a prominent work for soprano, choir, and orchestra. This beautiful psalm will be performed by the excellent soprano Deasy Hartanto, with an important supporting role for VOKALISK and ensemble ConcertoValiante

Works by Allegri, Aaron Mc Dermid, and Lulli will also be featured, jewels from the baroque and contemporary periods. The power of singing together with a professional ensemble gives this concert a special aura.

Admission on the day itself € 28.00

Presale: regular € 23.00, students € 12.00, under 12 years is free

Reserve tickets: Ticket link: https://eventix.shop/3bwuajgq

Or send an email to concertovaliante@ziggo.nl or call 06-23867050